信号凸轮控制器 NU 1
The cam controller NU 1 is used as a signal and annunciation switch in HV systems. This rugged switching device has cam discs made of insulation material that can be set at 10° intervals. The DC contact blocks are designed to permit series assembly, which can be operated simultaneously.
机械寿命 NU1 200万次 (往复运动)
操作温度 -40°C to 60°C
防护等级 IP40 / IP65 带铝制外壳
开关容量 NC NO Time constant
250 V DC 2A 1A 20 ms
125 V DC 4A 3A 20 ms
50 V DC 6A 6A 20 ms
30 V DC 10A 10A 20 ms
250 V DC15 6A 6A 20 ms